Who has influenced you? We can all point to several people that have stood out and offered support over the years. Our influences are all around us. They are powerful and meaningful; they have guided us and provided immeasurable direction, kindness and tough love. Influencers help shape who we are today.
I have been thinking a lot about this lately, so I decided to chronicle these stories and share them. Will anyone want to read these stories about other people? We shall see.
Starting tomorrow, I am launching “The Influence.” The Influence is a series of articles about people that have made a difference to people – not just me. It is a personal account of some important life’s lessons.
Don’t worry. I won’t be bombarding people with daily lessons and inspirations. Once a month, I will share a new story. If it starts a conversation, great. If it encourages reflection, even better. If someone sends a note of thanks to someone who has influenced them…all the better.
Tomorrow, my first story will be about Peter MacKechnie, Managing Vice President and Northeast Region Lead for Gartner. Former boss, incredible consultant, good friend for many years. Hope you will tune in and share your influential stories.